Webinar – Indonesia Millennial Generation Literate to Capital Market.

The number of local investors towards the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) continues to grow. This is considered to be a sign of capital market recovery, which has been weakening since the Covid-19 pandemic. At the last quartal of 2020, IDX reported the domination of millennials (whose age range over 18-25 years old) on ownership towards the new Single Investor Identification (SID) and the number of transactions happening each day. Entering mid-2021, millennials investors made up more than 50,7% of new total investors. In line with this new insight, education and literacy about the capital market must be held in order to increase awareness among Millennial investors before undertaking investment transactions.

On Friday, June 18th 2021, the Students Association of Law Study Program Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya Campus held a Capital Market Webinar with the following title, “Millennials Foreseen the Capital Market”. This webinar invited four keynote speakers who are each competent on their own fields, namely Mrs. Dewi Sriana Rihantyasni, who is the Head of Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office – East Java; Mr. Michael, S.E., a practitioner who is also the Branch Manager of Korean Investment and Indonesian Securities (called “KISI”) in Surabaya; Ms. Carissa Amanda Siswanto, S.H., M.H., and Ms. Astrid Athina Indradewi, S.H., M.M., M.H., who are both full-time lecturers at Faculty of Law UPH Surabaya Campus.

Mr. Joshua Evandeo Irawan, S.H., M.H., and Steven Jonathan Valentino acted as the Master of Ceremony for the whole event. 120 participants from various regions and backgrounds attended the webinar. To open the webinar, a welcoming speech and remarks were given from the Executive Director of UPH Surabaya Campus, Mr. Dr. Ronald, S.T., M.M., CSMA., CDM., PMA. and continued by the Head of Law Study Program UPH Surabaya Campus, Mrs. Dr. Sari Mandiana, S.H., M.S.

The first webinar session was about the Role of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Capital Market, it was presented by Mrs. Ana. She conveyed the fundamental factors that must be understood by young investors. During her presentation, Mrs. Ana used a simple analogy, “an IDX is like a mall manager, Securities Companies are like mall tenants, Investors are the mall-visitors, Capital Market products are similar to variants of goods being sold at the mall, and lastly, the Issuers are the suppliers“. Mrs. Ana wanted to push the boundaries for new investors. During her session, she also stated, “If in the past, a hero was someone who fought with bamboo against the invaders, then the current millennials should also be called as ‘hero’ because of their ownership and activeness as young investors. They can revive the economy of this nation, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic.”

The next session was delivered by Ms. Astrid Athina Indradewi, S.H., M.M., M.H. The lecturer explained the basic and fundamental information regarding Indonesian Capital Market Regulations. It begins with understanding the background of Acts No. 8 the Year 1995 concerning Capital Market. Basically, the existence of the capital market has a strategic role in the national development of Indonesia as a developing country. The market would act as a source of financing for businesses and a place for investment for the community. This Act also regulates the obligations which must be fulfilled by institutions and parties related to the Capital Market. Apart from that, the lecturer emphasizes how law exists in order to guarantee legal certainty and protect the interests of various investors from any harmful practices.

The next webinar session was brought by Ms. Carissa Amanda Siswanto, S.H., M.H. In her presentation, Ms. Carissa illustrated the importance for millennials to consider several factors before investing. Including which type of investment instrument is the most suitable for their financial conditions, motives for investing, and the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of investment. The lecturer also reminds participants on how important it is to have good financial skills. Ms. Carissa closed her session by quoting from a famous investment figure, Warren Buffet, “if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work out until you die“.

Mr. Michael, S.E., as KISI Branch Manager in Surabaya delivered the last webinar session. Mr. Michael himself has been a professional in the Capital Market industry since 2005. During his session, he explained material about the Role of Securities Companies in the Capital Market. The functions of Securities Companies include assisting customers in opening new accounts, understanding customer needs before investing in the Capital Market, and assisting customers in conducting transactions as brokers and dealers. Objectively, Mr. Michael also conveys about the risk of lost in investing. Furthermore, the manager gave some tips and tricks in understanding the opportunities to determine buying and selling shares.

Each participant was very enthusiastic in participating in this webinar, this could be seen from many interesting questions and reactions during the Q&A session. Please look forward to many upcoming webinar events from our Law Program at UPH Surabaya Campus.
