Indonesia is preparing new steps towards preparing its human resources for the Industry 4.0 era. Indonesia has proven to execute empirical steps when not long ago, the Minister of Industry, Mr. Airlangga, attended an International Convention discussing the World in the 4.0 Industrial Era. After the convention, the President, Mr. Joko Widodo, declared that the country has entered the period of “Making Indonesia 4.0”.

This presidential mandate is then executed by a number of Ministers in the Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia (Kabinet Kerja). The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Mr. Darmin Nasution, emphasizes the change of worldview and the change of man’s capacities in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era (Source: Suara Pembaruan, July 6, 2018).

This strategic step highly suits current needs. The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education as the Commander of Indonesian Higher Education, along with Lemhanas, is determined to be highly capable to execute the “Indonesian Human Resources Model” in the 4.0 Industrial Era. The Indonesian Human Resources Model in the Industry 4.0 Era is able to support Indonesia’s competitive rate towards realizing Indonesia Hebat in “State of The Art Program Nawacita For Indonesia.” The ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia particularly pointed out the competitive rate of Indonesia – encouraging everyone to support its position, currently ranking in the 36th place out of 137 countries. Additionally, Indonesia will enjoy a demographic bonus in 2030.

If we do not use the demographic bonus wisely, Indonesia will face a serious challenge. This brings us to this: To actualize the Indonesian Human Resources Model that can face challenges in the Industry 4.0 era, what adjustments should be made in the education sector?

Indonesia’s educational model is set up according to these levels: “Education in the Family – Primary Education (Kindergarten & Elementary School) – Middle School Education (Junior & Senior High School) – Higher Education (Bachelor’s, Master’s, & Doctorate degree)”. After obtaining a doctorate degree, it is expected that a lot of professors will be born – professors not only recognized for their Academic Institutional Level, but also as Models and Propellers of Leadership, Education, and Indonesian Mental Revolution in the future. The most important thing to take note in Indonesia is the education that takes place in the family.

Education in the Family teaches a person to know themselves and their array of potentials, to know their creator, and to know their future through the relationships built in the family. Education in the Family is an important foundation for a holistic life. Education in the family should instill the values of Leadership. Leadership is taught and trained starting from when a child is educated in the family and continues through higher education. The most important form of leadership is Transformational Leadership, a leadership which transforms a person and makes him impactful for other people.

Through the implementation of Leadership values in Indonesia’s Educational system in the Industrial 4.0 Era, there are several components that have to be considered by our country:

1) The most important factor of the Industry 4.0 Era is Human Systems (SDM).
2) “Education” sets the “foundation” of professional knowledge, mentality, and competence needed to shape the morals of a nation that holds advanced, true, and professional knowledge and that can give an impact for other people
3) “The Basics of Leadership” sets the basis for Indonesia’s education system to “know” oneself, the nation, and the country’s vision for Indonesia Hebat starting from 2020.
4) “Leadership in Indonesian Education sets the mental and intellectual basis for the nation’s “competence” in order to be able to fulfill the Nawacita, welcoming Indonesia Hebat.
Whether or not we will see Indonesia Hebat is determined by the “Reliability of Leadership and Education”.