A Reflection on 76 Years of Indonesian Independence.

It has been 76 years since our nation, Indonesia, has experienced the independence that the people have worked so hard to achieve. During these 76 years, many people have asked how the fate of Indonesia as a country will be after independence. Are we progressing or are we experiencing setbacks? Talking about this issue, of course our focus is directly on the Indonesian people, what will happen to our Indonesian people after receiving independence? Have both the government and the law protected the people after getting the independence? These questions often arise when considering the independence of this country. This shows that we must reflect on the 76 years of the independence of the Indonesian nation itself. As the people of the Indonesian nation, we must be concerned about this.
Therefore, on Friday, August 20, 2021, the Student Association of the Law Study Program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Surabaya Campus, held a webinar with the theme “A Reflection on 76 Years of Indonesian Independence”. The first speaker is Dr. Agustin Widjiastuti, S.H., M.Hum as the Head of the Law Study Program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Surabaya Campus. Then there is the second speaker, namely Reni Astuti, S.Si as the Deputy Chair of the Surabaya City DPRD or Regional House of Representatives. And the speaker is Dr. Hufron, S.H., M.H. as a lawyer from Hufron & Rubaie Advocates and also a lecturer from the Faculty of Law, University of 17 August 1945, Surabaya.
This webinar was hosted by Mr. Joshua Evandeo Irawan, S.H., M.H and also Michelle Avrillia and was attended by approximately 268 participants. First of all, this webinar was opened with remarks from Mr. Dr. Ronald, S.T., M.M., CSMA., CDM., PMA. as the Executive Director of UPH Surabaya Campus and continued by remarks from Dr. Agustin Widjiastuti, S.H., M.Hum as of the Law Study Program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Surabaya Campus.
Then the event continued with the first session hosted by Mrs. Reni Astuti, S.SI. On this occasion, Mrs. Reni as the Deputy of the Surabaya City DPRD or Regional House of Representatives who represented the government and delivered material on how the contribution and responsibility of the government was related to the independence of the Indonesian nation for 76 years.
After seeing it from the government’s point of view, the webinar continued with material presented by Dr. Agustin Widjiastuti, S.H., M. Hum. On this occasion, Mrs. Agustin brought material on how the juridical review of the responsibilities that have been carried out by the government related to 76 years of Indonesian independence.
After seeing it from the government’s point of view and also the lecturers/lecturers, the last session was closed by Dr. Hufron, S.H., M.H, who this time raised it from a legal point of view. Where Mr. Hufron brought material on how to realize legal protection regarding government responsibilities related to 76 years of Indonesian independence.
Participants seemed enthusiastic about participating in the webinar hosted by these three speakers. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the questions from the participants that were submitted to the resource persons which were then responded to by the speakers after all sessions had ended. The Law Study Program Student Association hopes that this webinar can make the participants reflect on the 76 Years of Independence that Indonesia has achieved.
Don’t forget to always stay informed for other programs that will be made by the Student Association for Law Study Program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Surabaya Campus because there will be many activities that have been planned, from webinars to other programs that are also informative and useful. The closest thing is that there will be a webinar that will be held again on Friday, September 24, 2021, with the theme “Cross Border Measures of Alleged Brand Infringement at the Border”.