LKBH Law Faculty of UPH Volunteers for LP Kelas IIA Tangerang.

Karawaci, July 16,  2019 – Lembaga Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum Fakultas Hukum UPH (LKBH FH UPH, or the Legal Aid and Consultation Institute of UPH’s Law Faculty) announced their cooperation with Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIA Tangerang (Correctional Institute of IIA Class at Tangerang) in giving their services in criminal law for people or groups of people under the poverty line at the Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIA Tangerang pro bono. Their cooperation was official by the signing of the contract on Tuesday, 2 July 2019, at Lapas Tangerang.

The cooperation between LKBH FH UPH with Lapas Pemuda Tangerang stemmed from the program Kampus Kehidupan (Campus of Life). The program exists to support those in Lapas Pemuda Tangerang, which will become an example for those all over Indonesia.

The contract agreement was signed by Syamsul Hidayat, A.R, IP, S.H., M.M, who is the Sub-section Head of LP Kelas IIA Tangerang Registration and Hosiana Daniel Adrian Gultom, S.H., M.H., who is the Head of LKBH FH UPH. There were also witnesses to the contract signing, who are Rivka Pidyananda, who is the Registration Staff of LP Kelas IIA Tangerang, and Dr. Velliana Tanaya, S.H., M.H., who is the Director of FH.

The services given by LKBH FH UPH is based on a certain law, which is the Undang-Undang No. 16 Tahun 2011, about Bantuan Hukum (legal assistance). Recipients of legal assistance is an individual or group of individuals who are below the poverty line who has/have the right to legal assistance until the problem is resolved and/or the problem has permanent legal force. Recipients of legal assistance are required to deliver evidence, information, and/or the truthful description of the matter to the legal assistance giver.

The terms and conditions in giving legal assistance are by putting in a written request in which the recipient remains anonymous as much as possible and in which there is a brief description of the problem matter. The request must be attached with a Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu (SKTM, which are for individuals who are not independently able) sent out by the authorities at their certain area or region, or with other Surat Keterangan Tunjangan Sosial, such as Kartu Keluarga Miskin, etc. The complete list of terms and conditions can be found on Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2013 tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Hukum dan Penyaluran Dana Bantuan Hukum, which is the law that describes the terms and conditions in requesting legal assistance).

Universitas Pelita Harapan is proactive in participating in the development of citizens, the building of the nation, and in increasing the quality of human lives all for the glory of God. Therefore, with this cooperation, it is expected of LKBH FH UPH to give legal assistance to people of Lapas Pemuda Tangerang with the principle of Preferential Option for the Poor.