UPH Graduates Must be Prepared to Take the Center Stage Filled with Challenges.

Closing the 2018/2019 Academic Year, Universitas Pelita Harapan released 1,962 graduates. The graduation ceremony was held from 20 to 21 June 2019 for 11 faculties, of which are Medical, Law, Master of Education, Psychology, Art, Design, Tourism, Science and Technology, Computer Science, Economy, and FISIP. For the Nursing faculty, the graduation was held on 11 March 2019. The inauguration process was held at the Grand Chapel of UPH Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang.

In this graduation, there were two graduates with Dual Degree of UPH – University of Newcastle (UoN) Australia for Food Technology. These two graduates managed to achieve STP (Sarjana Teknik Pertanian) and BFSHN (Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition). The inauguration for this program was done by Prof. Christopher Scarlett, Ph.D. – Professor of Applied Sciences, Deputy Head of School of Environment and Life Sciences – Faculty of Sciences, University of Newcastle (UoN).

The inauguration of the graduates was carried out by UPH Chancellor Dr. (Hon) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., and was attended by Dr. Ir. Illah Sailah – Head of LLDIKTI Wilayah III DKI Jakarta, Dr. (HC) James T. Riady – Founder of UPH, and Dr. (HC) Mochtar Riady – Founder of Lippo Group.

In his opening speech, Dr. Ir. Illah Sailah invited the graduates to take on a role in their majors, may it be becoming a teacher, doctor, nurse, businessman/woman, practitioners, and others, and use it for the nation.

Dr. Illah said, “Don’t walk; jump. Indonesia needs to take leaps in order to become a developed nation and in order to transform. In doing those leaps, the change will begin, starting with micro changes – changes in itself. Working will no longer be a task but it will help you think about how to work for the people.”

Not only that, Dr. Illah praised UPH for being a university obeying the law and who always report the progress of their education. The report done by UPH is advantageous for UPH because it will help the graduates in being recruited. The legitimacy of the graduates can be seen through SIVIL (Sistem Verifikasi Izasah Online Secara Elektronik, or the online transcript verification system).

UPH Chancellor Parapak also praised Dr. Illah’s comment about UPH, “We from UPH are grateful because we are supported by the government and is recognized as the university who obeys the principles. We are grateful to the parents who trust UPH as the right place for their child’s education. Now, as UPH’s graduates, don’t be swept away by changes. However, be committed to becoming a transformer, who is of integrity, and give the best work for the nation.”

Other than Dr. Illah’s message and the Chancellor’s opening remarks, the graduation was complete with the message from UPH’s Founder, Dr. (HC) James T. Riady regarding the three criteria of a great university. First is comprehension, which means that the campus must become a holistic educational institution. This is seen through the number of courses available at UPH. Second is research. James stated that UPH had proven to become a university with a research culture, for example in the medical area. Third, the university must influence and transform the nation. This is related to humanities and social sciences.

The founder’s message was welcomed warmly by the audience. This was conveyed by Ir. Royke Octavian Roring M.Si – Regent of Minahasa and parent of graduate Desiree Magdalena Roring of International Relations (HI) 2015. In this opportunity, he revealed his confidence in choosing UPH as his child’s university.

He said, “We hope that what Desiree received at UPH can be applied at the center of the people. We believe UPH teaches not only knowledge but also faith. They foster and prepare students in becoming a strong graduate facing a world full of challenges.”